I have to admit that it was jolly nice coming home.
Someone has sent a bag of groundnuts as a gift from their field.
Jumping GK (His name from when we were at school together) has managed to produce some fresh stuff at short notice - damn difficult to grow things here because of animals - so fresh is always bloody marvellous. Looks like he is going to cook dinner.
Well I guess the cat has stuck – both of them. Someone's gift to me that I didnt actually 'accept'. But there ya go.
Oh dear someone's shoes look a bit walked-out. I refuse to claim them. Standards have plummeted.
The puku I raised has been seen close to the house. Here he comes and responds to my call. Long past bottles the little devil. He used to butt like mad.
He would drag the whole herd up to my bedroom window first light every morning during his weaning. All the herd grazing slowly behind him, the non Pied Piper. Before they realised where they were, he would dash in for his bottle - sorry chaps, I know I'm big and all but just have to pop in here for a quick bottle - the rest of his adopted herd would look rather bemused at where they had ended up and sort of drift off.
He has brought a slightly older male with horns - they spar a bit, but gently, and feed and lie down together. Probably they'll fight later but they seem to be getting it off now, in which case they must be careful because being gay is illegal here too - not only Malawi where you go to prison.
GK and I go down to the river for sundowners. The moon is going to be full.
Chat to the fisherman. He's getting his net in.
Hear feeding noises in the bushes.
Oops, behind the vehicle.
They take no notice and eventually cross behind us on their way towards the river.
It was such a dazzling early evening out in the big sky with water and rippling light that I tried to get GK to pull the moon down a bit back towards Earth.
Just a bit. See what it would be like.
What a control freak.
Anyway he couldnt.